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info | news | ertz festival | other events | ertz artists | links
Mateo Austin
Xabier Erkizia
Mikel Etxegarai
Asier Gogortza
Josu Goia
Joseba Irazoki
Maria Irazoki
Xabi Iturria
Edorta Izarzugaza
Karl toone's band
Inigo Telletxea
Gaizka Sarasola
Mikel Zubieta
ertz artists : Xabier Erkizia

erkizia.jpg (33519 bytes)xabierk[=at=]ertza[=dot=]net
[last update: 2012/04/07]

Current projects:

- solo
- Billy bao
- Ornitorrinkus


- Billy Bao: Buildings from Bilbao CD

+ info:

Note:most of the recordings listed here are available through ARTO ARTIAN distributor.

- Kantauri | Litoral - Art's Birthday party (Ars Acustica - RNE, 2012)
- Bastorala | Pastoral-A | non-published (Amalgama, 2011)
- Drzwi Lublin | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2011)
- Memoria de un Lian Nain | non-published (2011)
- Zelai magnetikoak | Zehar magazine nº67 | CD (Arteleku-zehar 2010)
- Sonidos en Causa: Entrevista con Carlos Gómez | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2010) download
- Number Soundscape | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2009) download
- Feto e mane | EUSKADI IRRATIA irratirako soinu piezak (Euskadi irratia 2009)
- Meteo | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2009) download
- Asuncion, Paraguay | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2009) download
- Silencio sin reverberaciones | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2008) download
- Republica | Zehar nº63 | mp3 (zehar 2008) download
- [SPAM DETECT] | CDR (hamaika 2008)
- Basque cuisine | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2008) download
- eskubide (elogio sentimental de la acordeón) | soundSTORY online compilation (Soundlab 2007)
- Gartzelako megafonoek libre erran nahi izan zuten eguna | S.p.U.L.P.K.Z (2007)
- Negozia | LANCEMOS IRRESPONSABLES, LOS DADOS compilation | CDR (hamaika 2007)
- Arrate | CON-VPILATION | online mp3 (con-v 2006) download
- Arrate | SILENT APPROACH compilation (idmix15) | online mp3 mix (2006) download
- basa | RE_MAPA compilation | online mp3-ogg (audiolab arteleku 2006) download
- Bitartean (tvpow remix) | V/A TV POW remixes vol2: Burning bridges and lost loves | cd (bottrop-boy 2006)
- Esku bete | EUSKAL INTERPRETATZAILE BERRIAK 1 compilation | cd (antifrost 2005)
- Bibliotecas en Guerra BSO | film by R.Salaberria, B.Calvo | DVD (2005)
- Old kind of virus | ATOM RHUMBA: concrete mixer-remixes | cd (Munster records, 2005)
- Troika remix | ET INCARNATUS comp. | cd (elkarlanean, 2005)
- La Gallina ciega BSO | film by Isabel Herguera | 35 mm (2004)
- ENTRESOL | cd (antifrost 2004)
- Egipto | RADIO 101 installation | install. by Zoë Irvine (2004)
- landa | ZEMOS98 compilation | cd (zemos98 2004)
- bizi legea | FUGA EXPERIMENTAL comp. | cd (Fuga discos, 2004)
- sadomartir on KONTROVERSIELE FILMS | GUTURAL remixes | 2cd (bonberenea, 2004)
- strabold | ENCYCLOPEDIA RW compilation | cd (antifrost 2004)
- esku huts | VOID compilation | cd (antifrost 2003)
- ezer jakin gabe | TANTA remix | cd (bonberenea 2003)
- edit | Front Line Compilation | cd (D.A.E. 2003)
- Gastronomia eta musika 2: India | minicd (2002)
- Gastronomia eta musika 3: Vietnam | minicd (2002)
- Gastronomia eta musika 4: Errusia | minicd (2002)
- Gastronomia eta musika 5: DDR | minicd (2002)
- untitled chord 02 | Edit 02 compilation | cdr (9CDR 2002)
- Hongo (Onddo remix) | | mp3 (ertz 2002) (offline)
- ATEKALEUN | minicd (ertz 2002)
- kea | Convolution remixes | cd (convolution, 2001)

Bands - collaborations - other recordings:
- Soinu artean | radio show - 40 shows (Euskadi irratia-audiolab, 2011-2012)
- Maialen Lujanbio & Xabier Erkizia: Txori mugariak | non-published (2011)
- Francisco López & Xabier Erkizia: Elektra Bidasoa | CD (ferns recordings, audiolab 2011)
- Oier Etxeberria: Gero | non-published (2011)
- Oier Etxeberria: Lalana | mp3-vinyl (2011) download
- V/A Rona Maubere: Music and Soundscapes from East Timor | CD (audiolab 2011)
- Arantxa Iturbe & Xabier Erkizia: Onsa Hilceco bidea | radio-art piece (audiolab 2011)
- Ornitorrinkus: Ornitorrinkus (self-published, 2010)
- A.Erkizia, A.Iturbe, O.Guillan, H.Cano, O.Iruretagoiena: Hitzezko paisaiak | podcast (hots-radio 2010) download
- Iñigo Telletxea & Xabier Erkizia: Bassa Stagione | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2010) download
- Akauzazte Danok: Akauzazte Dan Danok | CD-DVD (2009)
- Billy Bao: I am going to kill all the rich man | cassette (Drone Errant, 2009)
- Billy Bao: May 08 (Parts Unknown, 2009)
- Voodoo Muzak: mambient live Pau 1999 | CDR (amanitarecords, 2009)
- Billy Bao: Sacrifice | CD (Afterburn 2009)
- Mattin: Feedback Conceptual | online (Larraskito 2009) download
- Josetxo Grieta: Distancia #2387 | CDR (hamaika 2008) download
- Iñigo Telletxea & Xabier Erkizia: Mi lucena, mihi luzeena | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2008) download
- Orkestra Zombie: s/t | mp3 EP (Larraskito 2008) download
- V/A Easo the beautiful | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2008) download
- V/A Invisible citiesl | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2008) download
- V/A SPULPKZ | HOTS! radio podcast (hots-radio 2008) download
- Billy Bao: Dialectics of shit | 12"LP (Parts unknown records, 2008)
- Rober! & Xabier Erkizia: Venus in FM | VELVET UNDERGROUND COVER compilation | CDR (Brut Al records 2008)
- Billy Bao: Accumulation | 7" single (Xerox musik, 2008)
- Gaizka Sarasola & Xabier Erkizia: Ez naiz deusen jabe | CDR (2007)
- Juantxo Zeberio Etxetxipia & Hodeiertz: Umama2 | CD (bonberenea, 2007)
- Café teatro: Sei | LP (talo recordings, 2007)
- Atanas Akerstra: vol 1 | LP (talo recordings, 2007)
- Billy Bao: Fuck Separation | 10" EP (S-S records, 2007)
- Borrokan: Hitzez ulertu ezin dena omendu nahi nuke, Oraintxe! | CD (2007)
- Gaizka Sarasola: Kaiku | LANCEMOS IRRESPONSABLES, LOS DADOS compilation | CDR (hamaika 2007)
- Ornitorrinkus: Ebaki | LANCEMOS IRRESPONSABLES, LOS DADOS compilation | CDR (hamaika 2007)
- Café teatro: Sei | CD (foehn records 2007)
- Billy Bao: Drill city | SONIC PROTEST compilation | 2CD (Sonic Protest, 2007)
- Billy Bao: Buscando audiencia | RE_MAPA compilation | online mp3-ogg (audiolab arteleku 2007) download
- Roher/Barella + Erkizia: s/t | CDR (openfield, 2006)
- Iñigo Telletxea & Xabier Erkizia: belagile | online ogg (desetxea 2006) download
- kobak: ixi session | online mp3 ep (ixilabel 2006) download
- gutariko bat: 1996-99 | cd (arto artian 2006)
- Alan Courtis & Xabier Erkizia: live in Perú / Monopolka | cassette (monopolka, 2006)
- A4: artean | RE_MAPA compilation | online mp3-ogg (audiolab arteleku 2006) download
- Billy Bao: Auxilio | cdr (herbal series 2006) download
- Atanas Akerstra: vol 1 | cdr (2006) download: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
- Television Power electric: argiiindar | cd (ertz - audiolab arteleku 2005)
- Anari: zebra | cd (Metak 2005)
- Billy Bao: RnR granulator | cd (w.m.o/r 2005)
- Lisabö: izkiriaturik aurkitu ditudan gurak | cd (Metak 2005)
- Luis Marte & Xabier Erkizia: Zerra | cdr (fuga discos / ertz 2005)
- Zura: Ilargi handi zauri zarae (Metak 2005)
- Sakada: Askatuta (Rhizome label 2005) download 1 - 2
- Gaizka Sarasola & Xabier Erkizia: Ixuriak | cd (2005)
- Cafe teatro: Burga | cd (foehn records 2004)
- Miztura: Gizon arrunt bat | ACUARELA SONGS comp | 2cd (Acuarela 2004)
- Sakada: Bilbao resiste, resiste Bilbao | cdr (Fargone, 2004) download
- gutariko bat: V/A kontroversiele films - gutural remixes (bonberenea 2004)
- Eten: ertzean | cdr ( 2004)
- Akauzazte: azalberritan | cd (Cia de sueños ilimitada, 2004)
- Xabier Erkizia & Juan Mari Beltran: Tic Zag B.S.O (film by juan aizpitarte) | dvd (2003)
- Miztura: Begura | cd (Metak 2003)
- Alejandra & Aeron: Ars electronica 2002 | installation (Austria,2002)
- Xabier Montoia: Ni ez naiz Xabier Montoia | cd (Metak 2002)
- Mattin, Rosy Parlane & Xabier Erkizia: mendietan | cd (w.m.or 2002)
- kobak: Music for Calcinatio | miniCD ( ertz 2002)
- kobak: ixi session track 4 | VERS02 chicago festival NET version | mp3 ( 2002)
- Xabier Erkizia & Mikel Etxegarai: New York Black Hole | VHS (2001)
- Xabier Erkizia & Mikel Etxegarai: Zulo beltza | VHS (2000)
- voodoo muzak | V/A potophones | cd (idoia 2000)
- voodoo muzak: Mambient | cd (amanita / Mer / idoia 1999)
- Exxon Valdez |V/A potophones | cd(idoia 2000)
- gutariko bat: press | V/A potophones | cd (idoia 2000)
- gutariko bat: untitled | V/A disidenteak betirako (disidenteak betirako)
- borrokan | V/A museum | cd (mer 1999)
- gutariko bat: remix | V/A museum | cd (mer 1999)
- gutariko bat ama 41 | 7" single (Forked tongues 1998)
- gutariko bat V/A blasé | cd (amanita 1997)
- gutariko bat / Portobello bones | 7" split single (Forked tongues-amanita 1996)
- gutariko bat: oinez | cassette (nafarroa oinez, 1994)
- Kojon Prieto y los Huajalotes: txe eta zapata | 7" single (napartheid, 1992)

Music and sound for films:
- N-202 | dir: Jose Belmonte | animation (2011)
- Mar de fondo / Hondoko itsasoa | collective film | animation (2011)
- Nido con trastero incluido | dir: Alicia Otaegui, Unai Rosende | video (2011)
- Egurrezko katagorrixek | dir: Egurrezko katagorrixek | esperimentala (2010)
- Amar | dir: Isabel Herguera | animazioa (2010) > Best Sound prize ALCINE 2010
- Patience of The Memory | dir: Vuk Jevremovic | animation (2008)
- Hera Piadosa | dir: Manu Uranga | videoart (2007)
- On Jorgen Leth | dir: Olatz Gonzalez | documentary (2007)
- Berbaoc | dir: I.Oñederra, J.Belmonte, Txuneta, G.Diaz Sosa | animation (2007) > Best Music prize ALCINE 08
- Og en el diluvio | dir: Jordi Llorella & Asier Gogortza | videoart (2007)
- Hezurbaltzak | dir: Izibene Oñederra | animation (2007) > Best Music for Animation-Trickfilm festival Sttutgart 08
- LUX | dir: Vuk Jremevovic | animation (2007)
- Bibliotecas en Guerra | dir: R.Salaberria, B.Calvo | Documentary (2005)
- Gallinita + | dir: Isabel Herguera | animation(intervenciones tv 2005)
- La Gallina ciega | dir: Isabel Herguera | animation | 35 mm (2004)
- Tic Zag ( + Juan Mari Beltran) | dir: Juan Aizpitarte | videoart (2003)
- Profussion (+ Mikel Etxegarai) | dir: Mateo Austin | bideoartea (2001)
- Zulo beltza (+ Mikel Etxegarai) | dir: Jordi Llorella | photofilm (2000)


- Mezuak lekuz kanpo (2007)
- Curva Chiusa: Dal Tempio di Mitra all'Ombelico di Roma
- Erkizia, Izarzugaza, Buff, telletxea live / Bonberenea suffle DVD (2006)
- Eskutitz zuria /carta blanca / white letter 3 (2006)
- Eskutitz zuria /carta blanca / white letter 2 (2006)
- Eskutitz zuria /carta blanca / white letter 1 (2006)
- [un]common sounds v1.2 (+ Dimitris Kariofilis) (2006)
- Grupo 40 (+ Raimo Benedetti) (2006)
- [un]common sounds v1.0 (+ Dimitris Kariofilis) (2005)
- Modulaçoes (+ Raimo Benedetti) (2005)
- Grupo 22 (+ Raimo Benedetti) (2003)
- Arbitrary + stick (+ TV POW) (2002)
- Atekaleun (+ Asier Gogortza) (2002)
- Travelling (2001)
- Ertzleihoa film (+ Asier Gogortza) (2001)
- Piscinas climatizadas video instalazioa (+ Jorge Llorella) (2001)
- Zulo beltza (+ Jorge Llorella) (2000)
- mambient video-cdrom (+ Voodoo muzak) (Amanita records, 1999)


- BI HARRIZ LAU XORI festival 2012 (Biarritz, Lapurdi)
- HEBENTIK (Maule-Mauleon, Zuberoa)
- NODOS:ON - FONOTECA DEL MAR (Canary Islands)
- LIVE:IXEM 2011 (Sicily, Italy)
- SONM (Murcia)
- CHITRAKATHA festival 2011 (Ahmedabad, India)
- XX festival MUSICA 13 (Nau Coclea, Catalunya)
- Ciclo SON: Nuevos artistas sonoros españoles (Auditorio nacional, Madrid)
- OPEN CITY festival 2011 (Lublin, Poland)
- LITERAKTUM 2011 (Donostia-San Sebastián)
- XIRU FESTIBALA 22 (Gotaine, Zuberoa)
- KODY/CODES Festival of Traditional and Avant-garde Music 2010 (Lublin, Poland)
- BI HARRIZ LAU XORI festibala 2011 (Biarritz, Lapurdi)
- EXODO (Bordeaux, France)
- ZEPPELIN 2010 (Barcelona)
- SONIKAS VIII (Vallecas, Madrid)
- ZoOo: hitz basatia (Vitoria-Gasteiz / Donostia)
- PLANETK @ Bienale de Arte di Venezia (Venezia, Italia)
- ARTe SONoro - La Casa Encendida (Madrid)
- INDICAZIONE DI V(U)OTO (Saturnia- Toscana, Italia)
- ANEM, ANEM Festival de l'Escolta (Gandia)
- CAMSTL (Dili, Timor Leste)
- Festival SINKRO'09 (Vitoria-Gasteiz)
- ARTE MORIS (Dili, Timor Leste)
- TABAKALERA (Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa)
- SENSXPERIMENT 08 Retrospecta (Lucena, Córdoba)
- QUINCENA MUSICAL / MUSIKA HAMABOSTALDIA 08 (Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa)
- TUNED CITY (Berlin, Germany)
- UHARTE Arte garaikideko zentrua / contemporary art center (Uharte, Nafarroa)
- Ciclo de Música Contemporánea del TEATRO CENTRAL (Sevilla)
- JAZZ A MULHOUSE (Mulhouse, France)
- SONIC PROTEST festival (Paris, francia)
- EACC (Castellón)
- OCCC (Valencia)
- HOTEL BOLIVAR (Lima, Perú)
- NIU FEST 06 (Córdoba, Argentina)
- SONAR 2006 (Barcelona)
- C.C. CANTIERE (Roma, Italia)
- APO33 (Nantes, Frantzia)
- MUSEUM DU BEAUX ARTS (Nantes, Frantzia)
- ANIMAC 2006 (Lleida, Donostia-San Sebastián)
- ELECTROGRAPH 2006 (Atenas, Grezia)
- ELECTROGRAPH 2006 (Atenas, Grezia)
- MAÇARTS 2005 (Maçanet de cabrenys, Catalunya)
- GALERIA VERMELHO (Sao Paulo, Brasil)
- LIMA SONIDOS (Lima, Peru)
- FUGA OCEÁNICA festival (Quequén, Argentina)
- ELECTROGRAPH 2005 (Atenas, Grezia)
- Club TRANSMEDIALE 2005 (Berlin, Alemania)
- CCEBA (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- UNESP (Sao Paulo, Brasil)
- SONAR 2004 (Barcelona)
- LIMB0 festival 04 (Rosario, Argentina)
- LIMB0 festival 04 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- BUENOSALIENS (Buenos Aires, Argentina) entzun (real audio)
- FUGA JURÁSICA 6 festival (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- ZEMOS 98 - 6 festival (Sevilla, Andalucia)
- ANIMAC festival 2004 (Lleida, Catalunya)
- MUSICA EX-MACHINA festival 03 (Bilbao)
- Elektronikaldia 2003 festival (Donostia-San Sebastian)
- PLAZA festival 2003 (Donostia - San Sebastian)
- VTV Vitoria Territorio Visual 2003 (Vitoria-Gasteiz)
- Ultrasound festival 2002 (Huddersfield, UK)
- XIII. Festival of New Music 2002 (Donostia - San Sebastian)
- Lazkao bestaldia festival 2002 (Lazkao)
- VTV video festival 2002 (Vitoria-Gasteiz)
- 3» Mostra de Art sonor i visual 2002 (Barcelona)
- ART REPORT 2001 Bienal of art (Barcelona)
- Elektronikaldia 2001 festival (Donostia-San Sebastian)
- VERSION 02 festival net gallery (Chicago)
- LEM festival 2000 (Barcelona)
- 1» Mostra de Art sonor i visual 2000 (Barcelona)
- ERTZ festival 2000 (Bera)


ERTZ - Berako Kultur batzordea - Berako Udala

:::::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::
:::::::::: ERTZ 75pk 31780 BERA (Nafarroa) :::::::::::